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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Audio Source Control Keys Changed On AppRadio 2

Old Audio Source Control keys
Remember those Audio Source Control (ASC) keys you could access by double clicking the home button on the AppRadio? Well, they are still there in AppRadio 2 but this time they have been repositioned and look a lot better. Here's what's new.

The ASC keys can be accessed the same way as before. Doing so shows up the keys along the bottom of the AppRadio 2 display (not on the left, like before). The ASC key panel now shows the audio source, FM/AM radio bandwidth, previous and next buttons, volume icon and what looks like a 'turn of display' icon. Haven't tested it out yet so I'm not sure.

Audio Source Control keys have been repositioned and revamped

More coming soon so stay tuned...

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