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Saturday, September 21, 2013

AppRadio Is The Best Navigation Option While Driving [Poll Results]

Our last poll asked which method of navigation is the best to use while driving. There were five choices: Standalone GPS, AppRadio + Smartphone, Built-In Car Nav, Smartphone and Printed Maps. Our readers voted and the results are in!

The AppRadio + Smartphone setup was by far the winner with 61% of the votes. Smartphone alone and Built-In Car Navigation systems received almost the same number of votes. It's good to see at least two people thought Printed Maps were still the best way to navigate.

AppRadio-type head units are available from various manufacturers now. Pioneer, Clarion, JVC, Alpine etc. make these type of devices that run smartphone apps. These devices perform a lot of functions apart from navigation. It's not surprising to see these results in our poll.

There were a total of 80 votes in the poll.

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