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Friday, August 30, 2013

Texting A Driver Can Make You Liable For Resulting Accident Damages - NJ Appeals Court

The American Bar Association (ABA) Journal is reporting this as a case of first impression. A New Jersey Appeals Court has said that a person texting a distracted driver can be held liable to third parties for injuries caused when there is an accident.

It has to be proven, however, that the person sending the texts had knowledge of his/her texts being viewed by the driver while driving. In the said case involving two texting teenagers, two motorcyclists were seriously injured about 30 seconds after the last text message.

Currently 41 out of the 50 U.S. states have laws prohibiting cell phone use while driving. Similar laws exist in other countries too.

You can read the complete news article at the ABA Journal website.

News source: ABA Journal

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