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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Latest Technology Could Make Drowsy Driving A Thing Of The Past [Video]

An Australian Company called Seeing Machines is hard at work developing a head-tracking system for vehicles that could eliminate drowsy driving in the near future. The device being developed has a wide range of capabilities.

Read along for more details.

Seeing Machines is developing a dashboard device that pays attention to a driver's head movements, blinking patterns and eyeball rotations, and can alert the driver accordingly.

Drowsy driving is responsible for a lot of accidents and technology like this can help reduce its occurrence. Car companies are constantly looking for ways to improve road safety. Lane-departure guidance and blindspot monitoring are a couple of examples on how automakers are achieving safety using technology.

The dashboard device capable of tracking a driver's head is called Fovio. It has multiple sensors which can track various head movements and eye gaze even if the driver is wearing glasses. This tracking technology is also being used in mining, aviation, cargo trucks and simulation.

A device like Fovio could become an integral part of autonomous or self-driving cars.

Check out the short video below which demonstrates Seeing Machines' Automotive-Grade Driver Monitoring Technology...

To learn more about this interesting piece of technology, visit Seeing Machines' website.

Source: Seeing Machines

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