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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Will Apple Leave AppRadio Way Behind In Years?

Is seamless iOS integration in the car coming from Apple?
It seems like Apple is preparing to dabble into the world of dashboards. Earlier this week the auto blog Jalopnik reported Apple seeking out to employ an expert in auto engineering. Realistically, if anyone, Apple is well equipped to forage into this field and come up with a revolutionary "iDash" or the equivalent. And knowing Apple and their revolutionary ways it isn't far fetched to believe they could change the way we stay connected in the car.

AppRadio has been the first real attempt at iOS integration in the car but it isn't perfect by any means. What Apple is capable of doing is developing a whole new device that fits into your dashboard and works independently of your phone (remember phone use laws while driving are stringent). One can only speculate at this point as to what this possibility holds but imagine stepping into your car and being able to stay connected to social media as if you were still at home. While at the same time not distracting your drive.

If (or when) such a product arrives, it is bound to leave products like AppRadio way behind in years. It's just the way Apple does things. We had tablets before but the iPad made those look like toys. Smartphones existed long before the iPhone came out and now almost everyone knows what an iPhone is and wants one (if he/she doesn't own one already). So there is no doubt that an iDash or iCarStereo will tickle the imagination of enthusiasts in the coming months. Would you be willing to have Apple share some space in your car? I know I would!

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