Remember Automatic Link, the smart driving assistant that helps you track your driving habits? The company that makes that product, Automatic Labs, has teamed up with Jawbone, makers of the UP fitness band to help you get in shape.
With the collaboration, the aim is to give drivers insight into their physical activity and driving patterns and how those two are connected. Here's how it works and how the concept came about.
If you own an Automatic and a Jawbone UP band, you will now be able to see your drives in the UP app alongside your physical activity. You can tap on a drive and see how many steps you could have logged if you had walked instead of driving.
Drive data is synced automatically with the UP app after Automatic is linked with the it. The integration works on both iOS and Android. You can share your data with friends like before. With integrated travel you can see your walking and driving data all in one place.
The partnership between Automatic and Jawbone was born at the Clinton Foundation Code4Health Codeathon in Palm Springs, CA. A team of four built Walkoff, a connection between Automatic and Jawbone UP that displays how health and driving are connected. The effort was awarded first place at the event.
More details can be found here. If you want to track your driving and physical activity habits all in one place, purchase Jawbone UP and Automatic Smart Driving Assistant and go from there.
Source: Automatic Blog
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