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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Very Few Deals On Car Electronics At Best Buy This Year [Black Friday Deals]

Big box retailer, Best Buy, has plenty of deals for Black Friday storewide. But when it comes to Car Electronics, there aren't too many deals to choose from.

This year stores will open on Thanksgiving Day at 6 PM across the country. In other words, Black Friday will start on a Thursday, and go on until Sunday. Some other retailers have included the following Monday as a part of the Black Friday routine. Confused?

Anyways, here are the Car Electronics deals available at my local Best Buy in Northern California...

Note: Deals may vary by store. Check local ads for more details. Additional deals may be available.

Visit Best Buy's website for a sneak peek into this year's Black Friday deals in your city or state.

Source: Best Buy

1 comment :

  1. Hey everyone just got back from Black Friday shopping at best buy and i wanted to add another item to the list of discounted car oriented merchandise that really caught my attention. Best buy is selling the HDPro Hero3 Black edition (The top of the totem poll package for Hero3) for $249.99! IMO is a great deal in comparison to the retail cost a few weeks ago being $399.99 But if you've got a close friend/relative who works for BB they should be able to discount it down to a measly $219.99! Damn near almost 1/2 the original retail price for the black edition. I checked 2 weeks ago (early November, the emp discount was originally $274.99.) so if u were planning on grabbing one of these for next seasons car show scene i would definitely hop on it asap! Oh and BTW; BB tends to be pretty strict on emp discount hookups so try not to be too hot about it lol.


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