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Monday, April 21, 2014 Petition Wants Apple To Make Driving Safer With The Otter App

A petition to Apple CEO, Tim Cook, has been sitting on the website since last year. The campaign is awaiting its goal of 2500 signatures (942 more needed at the time of this posting). It asks Apple to introduce the first Text and Drive safety app to iPhone customers.

The app in question is Otter, which is already available on Android but has been pending approval to the App Store for the last four years. Otter (One Touch TExt Response) uses GPS speed activation to ensure safety while driving.

Using Otter, users can set auto-reply for text messages and while silencing text and call notifications when the vehicle being driven exceeds 10 mph. Additionally, parents can set up parental controls to ensure their kids won't be distracted while driving.

Erik Wood, founder of OTTER LLC, wrote in the petition that "Apple does need to deliver secure products to its customers, but there are ways to deliver a useful texting management tool like the Otter app to iPhone users while maintaining the security of their hardware."

Wood also says the Otter app works as an asset to users who can use it as a tool without being invasive. Users have to actively enable the functionality which isn't built-in natively like a shackle of sorts.

It will be interesting to see how Otter, if approved at any time in the near future, will behave with CarPlay.

Watch this video below showing Erik Wood talking about the app to Q13 Fox News Seattle.

If you are an Android user, you can download Otter from Google Play today. The app is FREE to download.

Video source: Q13 Fox News
Petition source:

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