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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pioneer Wants To Improve The AppRadio Experience Using App Analytics

If you were looking for a sign to know whether Pioneer Electronics is working on improving the AppRadio experience, here it is. The car entertainment giant has updated the iOS version of its AppRadio app today to version 2.4.0.

The latest update was put out for one main purpose. Integrating the ability to collect data from users in order to improve the whole experience. This app description from the App Store explains more…

App description from the App Store:

Integrated Flurry Analytics in order to help us understand App usage and identify ways to improve it. When prompted please opt in to the sharing of your data. It will help us improve this App.
On installing the app and launching it for the first time on your iOS device the following alert shows up:

The link for the Privacy Policy shows up what information is collected and how it will be used. You should read it before Accepting or Declining the above request. Thankfully the policy is easy to comprehend and not that lengthy.

You can download the latest version of the AppRadio app from the App Store today. I have tried this version with my AppRadio 3 (SPH-DA210) and it works without any issues so far.


  1. It could be instantly improved by eliminating all the 'nanny screens'...

  2. What, they don't get enough insight to how unhappy people are through their twitter and facebook? They don't need this. I got so excited when i saw it in the app store thinking. "Yes! Finally getting that update everyone has been waiting for" instead i was let down horribly by a thing asking if i and my usage can be tracked. I clicked decline.


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