Just before 2014 came along, Jay 'saurik' Freeman, the creator of the jailbroken app store Cydia, updated Mobile Substrate for iOS 7 and the new 64-bit chip Apple uses in its iPhone 5S, iPad Air and iPad Mini with Retina.
What does this means for end-users like you and me? It means the once unstable untethered Evasi0n 7 jailbreak can now be safely installed on one of the 64-bit devices.
Mobile Substrate is basically the glue that holds Cydia together, allowing tweaks to work. iOS 7 tweaks won't work without Mobile Substrate.
Most of Evasi0n 7's issues stem from Apple updating its chip from 32-bit to 64-bit (A7). Due to this Mobile Substrate had to be restructured for 64-bit. Also, Evad3rs, the developers of Evasi0n, didn't inform the jailbreak community beforehand about the latest jailbreak release. Which meant developers had to scramble to update their tweaks and even Cydia as a whole to become compatible with Evasi0n.
For those interested in jailbreaking, make sure your favorite tweaks are updated for iOS 7 before doing so. Even though Mobile Substrate has been updated doesn't mean the tweaks get updated automatically. Developers have to update the tweaks separately.
AppRadio Extensions (AppEx) has not been updated for iOS 7. So AppRadio users have to wait for the update.
Head over to the Evasi0n website for the latest jailbreak.
Image source: Apple
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