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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Where To Find Low Prices On Pioneer's AppRadio

Even though Pioneer offers a $50 mail-in rebate for AppRadio purchases from an authorized Pioneer dealer until December 31, 2011, it may not be the lowest price on the device. Internet sites like Amazon and eBay have lower prices. I recently found a seller on eBay selling an AppRadio for as low as $270 with free shipping.

Considering it's been around for 6 months now it is quite astonishing to see prices lowered by 35% since the day it was launched. Back in the summer the AppRadio was introduced at $399. I picked mine up from Amazon, that way I got it overnight for $3.99 using Amazon Prime, and saved by not having to pay sales tax. So if you're looking for the lowest prices on the AppRadio check out Amazon or eBay. Make sure to find a brand new piece because buying a used one maybe cheaper but not always the best bet.

Go ahead and treat yourself to a Pioneer AppRadio this holiday season.

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